Investieren Sie in krisensichere Edelmetalle in der Schweiz, Direktkauf über die Solit-Flexgold-App. Besonderheit: Schon ab 1 Gramm kaufen Sie zum Großbarren-Preis.
Warenlagerung in einem Schweizer Hochsicherheits-Depotlager, nähe Zürich. Vorteile: Insolvenzschutz, Schweizer Steuergesetze, hohe persönliche Sicherheiten.
Streuen Sie Ihr Risiko optimal, indem Sie in verschiedene Anlageklassen, z. B. Goldbarren, Silberbarren, Palladium und Platin, investieren.
D i r e k t k a u f bei unserem Kooperationspartner in der Schweiz über die SOLIT-Flexgold-App zum Tageskurs - Echtzeitpreis.
Einladungs - / Registrierungs-Link:
The supreme discipline of investment, worldwide
Buying precious metals in Switzerland:
SOLIT - Flexgold make money sound again,
definition of the economy = the modern way of investing money.
Turn bad money, FIAT- currencies, into solid and healthy money = wealth creation with precious metals, e.g. gold bars, silver bars, LBMA-certified, palladium and platinum, various investment opportunities, savings plans,100% physical precious metals, 100% physical ownership. Protection against inflation, financial and economic crises.
Direct purchase without advice:
You buy the precious metals d i r e c t from our cooperation partner in Switzerland. They are stored in a Swiss high-security depository near Zurich. This provides the security of Swiss tax laws and a high level of personal security. You buy / sell the goods tax-free, the precious metals are 100% insured and protected against insolvency. The products can be sold at any time in a wide range of currencies. Auditors ensure regular inventories and trustees ensure the correct use of customer funds in accordance with the contract.
You must first register via our referral link: . Follow the instructions. You will then receive the Flex-gold app to install on your smartphone, tablet and computer. As a customer, you will receive personal online access to your customer account. You can buy and sell precious metals from 1 gram upwards, so-called fractional ownership, d i r e c t and w o r l d w i d e to the daily rate - realtime price, spot price - and always at bullion prices. Upon delivery, the fractional ownership is transferred accordingly. You can check your holdings and performance at any time.
You can buy precious metals in the following currencies: Swiss francs (CHF), EURO, British pounds (GBP) and US dollars (USD), settlement currency = Swiss francs (CHF).
The Flexgold app language is in German and English, other languages are in preparation.Translations into most of the world's languages are possible using the ‘ Deepl translator ’ translation programme.
Take a look at the highly interesting company/sales presentation about Flexgold from our co-operation partner, SOLIT - Group AG, Switzerland, about the investment opportunities, Link: .
Switzerland is known for its security in financial matters. Many of the world's wealthy people have their accounts there.
If you have any questions about investment opportunities - product areas - , purchase processing, security, high security depository in Switzerland, insolvency protection, tax issues, etc., click on the "FAQ" button. Of course, we will also be happy to inform you personally. The contractual partners are you, the customer, and our cooperation partner SOLIT - Group AG, Switzerland. Their general terms and conditions, contractual conditions, imprint and data protection declarations are authoritative. Any liability on our part is excluded.
Further product information can be found on our homepage: .
Switzerland is known for its security in financial matters. Many of the world's wealthy people have their accounts there.
With the "Flexgold" product, we offer you real added value, making your life better, more financially independent, simpler and more beautiful. Switzerland is known for its security in financial matters. Many of the world's richest have their accounts there.
Share this information with your contacts. Thank you very much.
We wish you lots of success.
Yours, Josef Engels.
Unsere Kontaktdaten: / Our contact details: Josef Engels, Vermögensbildung / Wealth creation, Fon: +49 6359 – 840262, Mail: , D – 67269 Grünstadt .
Wir sind ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Vermögensbildung und bieten rentable Anlagen mit einer breiten Risikostreuung an. Profitieren Sie von unseren erstklassigen Online-Marketing-Strategien.
Josef Engels, Edelmetalle - Gold - Silber & Online-Marketing, Sausenheimer Str. 21 B, D - 67269 Grünstadt, E-Mail: .
Infos zu unseren Geschäftsbereichen siehe Kopfleiste "Über uns" .
Telefon: +49 (0) 6359 840262
Adresse: Sausenheimer Str. 21 B, Grünstadt, 67269, Deutschland
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